Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 49

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 49

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 49

A Stylistics Study of the Special Manuscript of Hossein Heravi's Javamol Ensha

Mohammad Mahdi Khosravian , Seyed Morteza Mir Hashemi Mir Hashemi (Author in Charge), Habibollah Abasi , Esmat Khuini Khuini


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Javameol Ensha written by Hossein Heravi is one of the respectful work of Teimouri Era on the subject of secretarial writing [correspondence] and the most important poetical work survived from King Hossein Baygheraye Sani’s era. Changes in Bureaucracy system and its related issues are identifiable in the last period of Teimourian"s era in this secretarial work. This work shows valuable literary and historical awareness of the governmental situation of Teimouri"s era which is one of the most fruitful cultural era of Teimourian"s era. Only one manuscript of Javameol Ensha is kept in Nour Osmaniyeh library of Turkey which has not been reprinted yet and no information of the author of the work is available in any of the texts of that era except this name. In addition to introducing this work, the researcher aims to study some stylistic and structural features of this work.

METHODOLOGY: the present research has been done through descriptive- analytical method by using library resources.

FINDINGS: investigating stylistic characteristics of this work shows that introduction of the letters are full of figures of speech and types of expressions and imaginary techniques and text of the letters are simpler that beginning of the letters. The most important linguistic feature of Javameol Ensha is abundance of Turkish, Mongolian, Arabic words, as well as Arabic idioms, phrases and irregular plural nouns. literariness of the letters is due to use of different types of ironies, harmonious, symmetries, alliteration, phonotactics, paradox, proverbs, and allusions. At the intellectual level, Belief in determinism and praising some mystics and relying on their speeches are clear in some of the letters.

CONCLUSION: following poetical work"s resources in all eras and Teimouri"s periods, the texts of the letters are full of foreign words, terms and expressions from sciences and techniques including astronomical idioms and literary techniques. The expressive structure of sentences is based on metaphorical comparisons, allusion to Quranic stories and using verses and types of synonyms are a sign of secretarial prose and excessive bombast in this literary genre.


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